From Idea to Essay: Effective Strategies for Teaching Academic Writing |
Today's discussion is "From Idea to Essay: Effective Strategies for Teaching Academic Writing". This topic is really interesting and important for you as students of Academic Writing and also for your future as an English teacher. This session describes how to arrange your ideas into sentences, paragraphs, and texts in a whole based on the concept of P.I.E. For further information please see the following links: You can also visit the following site: Please also watch the following video: Have a nice watching and thanks for your atentions.
Dr. Rudi Hartono, M.Pd.
The Viewing Webinar Host
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BalasHapusfinally, i can watch again :)
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BalasHapusAssalamu'alaikum Dr. Rudi. My name's YENI IKAWATI, a first semester student of saturday lecture, especially in TLTL class at PPS UNNES.
BalasHapusWell, in this webinar [4.3], First,I'd like to highlights some characteristics of effective academic writing. They are: using formal vocabulary,more complex grammar,citing evidence from the work of others, responding a question which need detail or specific information, and writing clearly. So, to start an academic writing, first, we have to identify the purpose of our writing, whether it is for describing sth or s.o, giving instructions on how to do or to make something, or stating an opinion with reasons/argumentations and examples to support the opinion. From knowing its purpose, we can then decide what vocabulary, grammar and organization to use in the writing. Second, we gather our brainstorms that we may get from relevant references. Third, creating a skeleton outline. The Skeleton contains only the most important points in the essay [main idea & supporting ideas].Then, the forth's expanding the “skeletons” into full paragraphs using P.I.E [ each paragraph must consist of : Point, Illustration, Explanation].
Well, all above is very important to start writing academicly.
Thanks for sharing the video,sir.
BalasHapusI am Kharis Subkhan, one of your students in post graduate kelas khusus 2016. It is a great guidance to teach academic writing. Each academic writing must have a purpose, so before writing something students must know the purpose of their writing. After knowing the purpose, then students may express their idea to support their claims by stating some reference from expert to make it more trustworthy. Those idea will not be well written if there is not an outline, therefore after getting some ideas, students are asked to make the outline of their writing so that their writing will be more structured. By having an outline, it will be more easier for the writer to make the coherence and cohesion of the writing more connected. If the coherence and cohesion has been good, the mistake of some grammar will not influence reader to understand what writer want to express. This webinar enlighten me more on how to teach academic writing. It's a nice share sir.
Assalamu Alaikum
BalasHapusI am Faizah, one of your students in postgraduate program, in Theories of Language Teaching and learning Class.Webinar 4.3 explains about effectiveness strategies for teaching academic writing. it's very useful for me. it contains poll questions to enhance our knowledge about writing. writing is a progessive activity. It means that when we first write something down, we have already been thinking about what we are going to say and how we are going to say. so, there are some steps before we write:
1. defining academic writing
2. identifying purpose
3. getting ideas before wrting
it's very useful for student when they feel confused when start writing.
thanks sir for sharing the video
wassalamu alaikum