Building Your Toolkit: Steps and Strategies for
Teaching Academic Writing |
Today's topic of our webinar is "Building Your Toolkit: Steps and Strategies for Teaching Academic Writing". This topic is really important for all teachers of Academic Writing and also for students who take Academic Writing as their main subject. This session gives your steps and strategies how to teach Academic Writing. For detail information, please see the following video by clicking this link You can also visit the following web Thanks for your watching and have a nice teaching and learning Academic Writing.
Dr. Rudi Hartono, M.Pd.
The Viewing Webinar Host
Dr. Rudi Hartono, M.Pd.
The Viewing Webinar Host
Assalamu'alaikum sir. it's me YENI IKAWATI, a first semester student of saturday lecture, especially in TLTL class at PPS UNNES.
BalasHapusWell, I've watched the AE webinar 4.4. My opinion,it's yes, rubrics can be a great help to us as teachers, in addition to helping students. I have noticed that designing a rubric helps me refine my own assignments I'm writing, so that helps the students too. Even though we haven't been given rubrics by our professors, now is a good time to try to use them with our own students. Try little by little so that we can get used to it, and we need to revise our rubrics so that we can keep them as useful and clear as possible.
And talking about feedback, it's a great way to give comments to students' writings. The feedback or comments can include organization, content, and grammar. While we can know how easy a text is to follow & understand by its coherence and cohesion.
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
BalasHapusMy name is Yudha Pambudi Wibowo, SIN 0203516002, I’m a graduate student of weekend class of English Education of UNNES. Right now I am joining TETL as one of subject matter in this semester. I’m an English teacher of junior high school. There are 4 basic skill should be taught. One of them is writing a simple text. Academic writing seems to be too early to be given to my students. However, the American English Webinar 4.4 Building Your Toolkit: Steps and Strategies for Teaching Academic Writing is really a useful guide for teaching academic writing. There are some key points mentioned in the webinar, such as things to consider before teaching academic writing and the preparation for academic writing. The preparations that we need to do are: 1. Know the material 2. Do a need of analysis to identify the goal 3. Sequence the goal 4. Develop interractive activities to meet the goal 5. Assess students’ learning. Furthermore, in academic writing we need to determine the assessment, assess the grammar, content or anything else. It must be set clearly when planning for academic writing. Thank you very much.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
BalasHapusThank you for sharing this great webinar series sir. I am Kharis Subkhan, your students in post graduate kelas khusus 2016. Academic writing is an essential subject to students. They are taught to write efficiently by stating some evidence. To teach that, there are some approaches that can be used i.e. text/product approach, process approach and social practice approach. I usually applied the first approach because in my opinion it is the easiest way to teach it. However, in accordance with the development of students' ability in writing, later I may use another approach proposed in the webinar.