Kamis, 29 September 2016

American English Webinar 4.2

Strategies for Engaging Young Learners
Dear students,

Today's topic of our discussion is "Strategies for Engaging Young Learners". Some of you may have ever taught English for young learners. How do you manage your classroom interestingly, so your students really love your teahing and their learning. In order to know how to organize it, please click the following link https://dos-materialsdevelopment.adobeconnect.com/_a1017942336/p49wkvwwmgo/?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal and see the video. Have a nice watching.

Dr. Rudi Hartono, M.Pd.
The Viewing Webinar Host

4 komentar:

  1. Assalamualaikum,
    good afternoon,sir! hope you're doing fine. Amen..
    Well, here, Yeni Ikawati, a student of your lecture, TLTL, is commenting on your blog.

    The series 4.2 of AE Webinar video is so fascinating. It presents how to gain a better understanding of young learners. And it also describes four strategies to engage young learners.

    Well, before we start to think further about educating young learners, it’ll be wise for us to remember a father of developmental, Jean Piaget. And his theory’s about the nature and development of human intelligence. In his theory, he believed that children construct an understanding of the world around them. While they construct, they have differences between what they already know and what they discover in their environment. So children are adapting their ideas then.

    In practical applications, this theory can be used for parents and teachers. Parents can use Piaget's theory when they decide how to determine what toys to buy in order to support their growth . The toys have to be appropriate for their ages,right??? So the toys will be meaningful and purposeful  . While teachers can use this theory, for instance, when discussing whether the syllabus subjects are suitable for the level of students or not.


  2. This series 4.2 video described that young learners have different cognitive development depending on their ages. There, as FL teachers, we have to know well what strategies are used to support their understanding in learning language. And what type of activities could achieve a better understanding of young learners.

    In this video, I’m really in to VTS. VTS (Visual Thinking Strategies) is a strategy in which the teacher uses a picture/photograph to lead students in a discussion. This strategy has lots of benefits, for picture has power. A picture can show something strange, include people, represent movement, and contain common objects. In case we use this strategy to teach YL, the classroom activity must be enjoyable, interesting, active, supported, relevant, and meaningful.


  3. Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
    I'm kharis subkhan, your student in post graduate kelas khusus 2016. As we know that one of the founding father in children is piaget who said that childrens' cognitive develop through several stages: sensory motor, pre-operational, concrete operational, and formal operational stage. He suggested that children will learn differently according to their stages, therefore as a teacher we should know and understand how to develop students' cognitive in a certain stage.
    one method that is offered by the webinar is by using VTS (visual thinking strategies) to enhance students' cognitive skill. This method use picture as a powerful media to engage learners to be more motivated and creative. This method is developed through collaborative skill, so students can also learn from their peers and practice communication skill. This is good to know such this strategy to teach young learners. Thank you very much for sharing sir.
    Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

  4. Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
    I'm Putri Mawiliana (0203516040), your student in post graduate, special class.

    Well, Those are interesting presentation about Engaging YLs. There are several strategies presented in the webinar.
    Alright, i learned a lot from those. I also work with YLs, sometimes I just give them picture to stimulate or to get their attention. But, we have to have a sequence of activities not not only, directly, give them picture without any purposes. The presenter, Ms. Lauren... talk more about it. She gave a guidelines to work with pictures. It was enlighten me as teacher of YLs.

    to create nice atmosphere in the classroom:
    1. we create community building through Self- Portraiture.
    2. Conduct VTS (Vissual Thinking Strategies) with The Three Open Ended Questions.
    We can get the resources of pictures from Mags, students'photograph or their family.

    For example, we can create the target language of vocabulary of family through their photograph and so on.

    Thank you sir.
