Web 2.0 Tools: Using Free and Open Educational Resources to Impact Learning Locally and Globally
https://www.coursera.org/course/newtechtools |
Today's topic is "Web 2.0 Tools: Using Free and Open Educational Resources to Impact Learning Locally and Globally". Living in the world and studying in the classrooms nowadays cannot be really separated from technological tools. We cannot avoid them easily because they come and we need them absolutely. We communicate and interact another always use online technologies. Related to teaching and learning activities, we also need and use technologies. Online tools can be used in our classroom are covered in Web 2.0 tools. For further information about these tools, please watch the following video in the link: https://dos-materialsdevelopment.adobeconnect.com/_a1017942336/p14477iuu85/?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal. You can also see the same one in the following site: https://sites.google.com/site/unnesenglishwebinar/american-english-webinar-series-2. Thanks for your attentions.
Dr. Rudi Hartono, M.Pd.
The Viewing Webinar Host
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
BalasHapusHello, Mr. Rudi. I am Ike Aprilianingsih (2201413159), one of your students in in ICT class.
The sixth part of webinar series 2 (2.6) entitled "Using Free and Open Educational Resources to Impact Learning Locally and Globally" delivers by Melanie Brooks.
She explained that the characteristic of Open Educational Resources (OER) is resources which is free to use by the teacher and the learners. The working definition of OER:
- Any type, digital or otherwise
- Any resource that can potentially be used for learning
- Copyright is either in the public domain of under an open license, such as Creative Commons
- Resources must be free.
The examples of OER such as course materials, course modules, entire courses, videos, tests, software, online tools, materials, techniques. The teacher can access the OER such as free textbooks in internet, MOOCs, The Canvas Network, Future Learn, Coursera, EdX, Khan Academy, and MOOC Support-Learning Circles. That’s the summary for part 2.6 of webinar series 2. Thank you for sharing, Sir.
Wassalamualaikum wr wb
Ike Aprilianingsih