Jumat, 06 Mei 2016

American English Webinar 3.1

"Hey Kids! Let's Put on a Show!" Theater in the English Language Classroom

Dear students,

Today's topic is "Hey Kids! Let's Put on a Show!" Theater in the English Language Classroom". Playing a show on the stage or performing a drama is a very nice and interesting subject for students to do, and also for a teacher to teach. This will be in the subject of theater. Teaching theater in the English classroom is challenging. It needs a complex teaching preparation. What should a teacher prepare for that? Please see the video in the following link: https://dos-materialsdevelopment.adobeconnect.com/_a1017942336/p82dg2gpm9a/?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal. You can also visit the following site: https://sites.google.com/site/unnesenglishwebinar/american-english-webinar-series-3. Good luck and have a nice teaching.

Dr. Rudi Hartono, M.Pd.
The Viewing Webinar Host

2 komentar:

  1. Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
    Hello, Mr. Rudi. I am Ike Aprilianingsih (2201413159), one of your students in ICT class.
    I feel so lucky that I can involve in learning English through Webinar, especially Webinar series 3. The first part of webinar series 3 (3.1) entitled "Hey Kids! Let’s put on a Show! Theater in the English Language Classroom" delivers by Danielle Capretti.
    She has explained all about using theater in English classroom. In my opinion, this information is very useful for the teacher to make their English teaching interesting. Danielle has given explanation about the aims of using theater in English language classroom:
    -Provide practice in language skills that include all of the skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing.
    -Offers “Learning through doing”.
    -Potrays authentic language in action
    -Open doors to multi-disciplinary studies
    -Creates opportunities to learn other skills
    She also explained the performance planning which is very useful for the teacher who try to use theater in their classes for the first time. The steps are:
    1.Text-selecting script
    3.Preparation > working with word formation
    4.Performance > putting on a show
    In my view, this idea of using theater in English language classroom is very interesting and innovative and we as a teacher can use it as one of our innovation in English learning.
    That’s all about Webinar series 3.1. Thank you for sharing, Sir.

    Wassalamualaikum wr wb

    Ike Aprilianingsih

  2. Wa'alaikum salam. That's an excellent comment you have. I really appreciate what you have done in understanding the American English Webinar Series 3.1. Thanks so much. May it benefit you for English teaching demands.
