Making Learning Fun: Interactive Activities to Build Student Motivation and Engagement in Your Classroom |
Today's topic is "Making Learning Fun: Interactive Activities to Build Student Motivation and Engagement in Your Classroom". This technique can encourage us as teachers to be attractive ones that can manage our English classroom fun, so students can learn English happily and interestingly. For further information how to do this, please see the video by clicking the following link: The other information and lesson materials can be also downloaded from the site: Have a nice watching.
Dr. Rudi Hartono, M.Pd.
The Viewing Webinar Host
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
BalasHapusHello, Mr. Rudi. I am Ike Aprilianingsih (2201413159), one of your students in undergraduate program in State University of Semarang, especially in ICT class.
The first part of series 2 (2.1) webinar entitled "Making Learning Fun" delivers by Amy Rich.
She explained about the interactive activities to build the student motivation and engagement in the classroom. She explained that motivation is a force or influence that causes someone to do something. The higher the student motivation, so the higher the student engagement in the classroom. A students who are motivated to learn will have higher achievement, better understand concepts, more satisfied in with school and it will less the drop out students.
There are two kinds of motivations:
1. Intrinsic motivation: the natural curiosity and desire to learn that we are all born with.
2. Extrinsic motivation: performing a behavior/engaging in an activity to receive an external reward.
She gave also the tips for teacher to motivate the students in the classroom: First tips is create a healthy learning environment. Second, figure out what our students are into. Third, incorporate our student interest into our lessons. The last tips is engage the students in the learning process. The teacher can also motivate the students through the use of technology and games such as online newspaper hunt, video interview, jeopardy game, questions Jenga etc.
Thank you for sharing, Sir.
Wassalamualaikum wr wb
Ike Aprilianingsih
Ida Rosida (2201413170)
BalasHapusICT Class (303)
It was the interesting topic. From this topic, I got some ideas how to make learning more fun and full of motivation, especially in English classroom. Amy Rich successfully presented this topic, and she was inspiring me to be a good teacher that can make students feel enjoy in learning activities. I charged myself with the great ideas that I got in this presentation. It’s very useful, especially for teacher candidates like me. Thank you for sharing the awesome ideas.
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
BalasHapusHello, Mr. Rudi. I am Aswika Pestiana (0203515096), one of your students in post-graduate program khusus 2 in State University of Semarang.
After watching video of American English Webinar Series 2.1 entitled "Making Learning Fun: Interactive Activities to Build Student Motivation and Engagement in Your Classroom" presented by Amy Rich, I think if it is such a very useful knowledge for all teachers to make learning fun in the classroom. She states that Higher motivation = Higher student engagement. It means that Students who are motivated to learn:
• have higher achievement
• better understand concepts
• are more satisfied with school
• drop out less
She also explained about kinds of motivation and some tips in motivating the students in the classroom.
Based on her explanation, the teachers can use interactive activities to build the students motivation and engagement in English foreign classroom to make learning process fun.
I'm looking forward for the next series. Thank you for sharing, Sir.
Wassalamualaikum wr wb
Aswika Pestiana