Rabu, 04 November 2015

American English Webinar 1.5

Building Student ​Autonomy 
through Cooperative Classroom Management

Dear students,

Today we come to the fifth session of our webinar entitled "Building Student ​Autonomy 
through Cooperative Classroom Management". Here we learn how to manage our class and build our student autonomy by conducting various strategies of Cooperative Learning.
To know more how to do that, please watch the video in the following link: https://dos-materialsdevelopment.adobeconnect.com/_a1017942336/p3c82wpc6di/?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal. You can also see this or download the files of American Webinar 1.4 in the following web link: https://sites.google.com/site/unnesenglishwebinar/american-english-webinar-series-1. To add your knowledge about this topic you can see some articles in the following links:

Have a nice watching and good luck.


Dr. Rudi Hartono, M.Pd.

The Viewing Webinar Host

25 komentar:

  1. Assalamualaikum.
    Hi, Mr. Rudi. My name is Betari Irma Ghasani. I am your students in graduate program khusus 2. The fifth webinar entitled "Building Student Autonomy through Cooperative Classroom Management" delivers by Dr. Gena Rhoades. She is an Englisb Language specialist and lecturers at University of Shouthern California. In this webinar series,she enlighten the listener about what cooperative learning is. She differentiates between traditional learning and cooperative learning. Here, she proposes PIES(P=Positive Interdependence, I=Individual Accountability, E=Equal Participation, and S= simultaneous interaction). Furthermore, she also tells us about rainbow learning. As we know, rainbow has red, orange, yellow, and gree. According to her, red means volume monitor; orange means language monitor; yellow means participation monitor; green means topic monitor/timer. They will make a perfect combination in teaching and learning process. In order to make us understand, she also posts video and gives examples.
    Thank you for sharing, Sir.
    Wassalamualaikum wr wb

    Betari Irma Ghasani

  2. Assalamualaikum.
    Hi, Mr. Rudi. My name is Betari Irma Ghasani. I am your students in graduate program khusus 2. The fifth webinar entitled "Building Student Autonomy through Cooperative Classroom Management" delivers by Dr. Gena Rhoades. She is an Englisb Language specialist and lecturers at University of Shouthern California. In this webinar series,she enlighten the listener about what cooperative learning is. She differentiates between traditional learning and cooperative learning. Here, she proposes PIES(P=Positive Interdependence, I=Individual Accountability, E=Equal Participation, and S= simultaneous interaction). Furthermore, she also tells us about rainbow learning. As we know, rainbow has red, orange, yellow, and gree. According to her, red means volume monitor; orange means language monitor; yellow means participation monitor; green means topic monitor/timer. They will make a perfect combination in teaching and learning process. In order to make us understand, she also posts video and gives examples.
    Thank you for sharing, Sir.
    Wassalamualaikum wr wb

    Betari Irma Ghasani

  3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  4. Assalamualaikum Mr. Rudi,
    My name is Amida Meila Indriasari, post graduate student. The fifth webinar entitled "Building Student Autonomy through Cooperative Classroom Management" become a new reference for me since as a post graduate student, we already learn about cooperative learning. Dr. Gena Rhoades
    explanation make it clear to understand through PIES (P=Positive Interdependence, I=Individual Accountability, E=Equal Participation, and S= simultaneous interaction) description and Rainbow Learning (red = volume monitor; orange = language monitor; yellow = participation monitor; green = topic monitor/timer) technique make it easy to follow and then applies it at class. I do practice it and my students enjoy the class becouse it was a new thing for students since most of the teachers at my school still use traditional learning.
    Thank You Sir.

    Amida Meila Indriasari (0203515069)
    Post graduate student (special class 2)

    1. Wa'alaikum salam. That's a good job you did.

  5. Assamu'alaikum Mr. Rudi,
    As teachers we should try to regularly motivate learners to think about why they are learning certain things, exactly what they are learning, and how they learn most effectively. In my class observation, learners should develop a capacity for reflection and recognize strategies. So, they have to set appropriate learning goals and take charge of their own learning. However, learners are dependent upon teachers to create and maintain learning environments that support the development of learner autonomy. The question is “how to create the learner autonomy?” of course the answer is through cooperative classroom management. But how? The teachers can make the students in pairs or small group and give peer assessment that allows students to evaluate each other. It needs more practices into daily learning activity. And “What are the advantages?” I think, by creating learner autonomy gives much advantages for learner environment. This environment is one that is positive and motivating, and encourages collaboration and social interaction. In my conclusion, “building student autonomy through cooperative classroom managemet” is a good way for develop our teaching method. Nice discussion! Thank you
    Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.
    Best regards,
    Rajif Alif Ruansyah (NIM : 0203515058)
    A student of Semarang State University post graduate program Khusus 2
    Email address : jajiez_tara@yahoo.co.id & jajieztara@gmail.com

    1. Wa'alaikum salam. That's a good job you did.

  6. Assalamualaikum.
    Hi, Mr. Rudi. My name is Abdulghani Mohammed Emran. My NIM is 0203515113 .and my Email is Lost03paradise@gmail.com I am your students in graduate program khusus 2. The fifth webinar entitled "Building Student Autonomy through Cooperative Classroom Management" delivers by Dr. Gena Rhoades. She is an Englisb Language specialist and lecturers at University of Shouthern California.
    In this series . she distinguished between the traditional learning and cooperative learning. She also illuminate the real definition of cooperative learning.
    Dr. Gena explained in details PIES(P=Positive Interdependence, I=Individual Accountability, E=Equal Participation, and S= simultaneous interaction).
    it is easy to follow and then applies it at class.
    I get a lot of benefits in this series and I will practice it Insha Allah in my future career as a teacher
    Thank you so much for the great webinars

    1. Wa'alaikum salam. That's a good job you did.

  7. Hallo Mr. Rudi
    I’m Ida lestari NIM 0203505109 one of your student in post graduate of unness
    Cooperative teaching technique , wow it is very amazing to applied in the classroom. By using this technique Students will get the new experience in learning English this techniques is different with the traditional techniques so they can explore their ability in English, this technique is also makes students more active. They can enjoy and fun studying English, so they have a new interpretation about English lesson that . It is not as difficult as they knew
    Thank you

  8. Wa'alaikum salam. That's a good job you did.

  9. Assalamu'alaikum

    My name is M. Baiqun Isbahi, My NIM 0203515061 one of your student in post graduate of unnes. well, this version of webinar talks about classroom management and cooperative learning and those are good combination. Cooperative learning provide a way to manage classroom by cooperative way to invite all student engage in learning process. Also, cooperative learning helps teacher to manage the classroom. The video shows how the student autonomy build and work through cooperative learning and classroom management, so this will give another way to control the classroom, especially for junior high school students.


  10. My name is Nova R. Farista, My NIM 0203515093 one of your student in post graduate of unnes. this version of webinar discusses about classroom management and cooperative learning and those are good combination. Cooperative learning provide a way to manage classroom by cooperative way to invite all student engage in learning process. Also, cooperative learning helps teacher to manage the classroom. The video shows how the student autonomy build and work through cooperative learning and classroom management, so this will give another way to control the classroom, especially for junior high school students. But in CL there are disadvantages. Sometime the student feel bored when we always CL, because CL need more energy.


  11. Assalamu'alaikum,
    Dear Mr. Rudi... My name's Hasan Abdul Kohar, (0203515095), I'm one of your student at UNNES post graduate program. Anyway, there are more than 900 research studies which validate the effectiveness of cooperative learning over competitive and individualistic efforts. These studies have been conducted by many different researchers in settings around the world. Research participants have varied widely as to cultural background, economic class, age and gender and a wide variety of research tasks and dependent variables have been used.

    Over and over again the research reveals that students completing cooperative learning group tasks tend to have higher academic test scores, higher self-esteem, greater numbers of positive social skills, fewer stereotypes of individuals of other races or ethnic groups, and greater comprehension of the content and skills they are studying.

    Research on cooperative learning began in the late 1890s when Triplett (1898) in the United States and Mayer (1903) in Germany conducted a series of research studies on the factors associated with competitive performance.
    They were followed, in 1916, by John Dewey whose book “Democracy and Education” was one of the first to argue that the classroom should mirror the larger society and be a laboratory for real life learning.

    The leading researchers of cooperative learning include Robert Slavin, Roger & David Johnson and Spencer Kagan, all of whom have slightly different approaches and emphasizes:
    # Johnson & Johnson focus on developing a specific structure that can be incorporated within a variety of curriculums with an emphasis on integrating social skills with academic tasks.
    # Kagan’s work focuses on the use of many different structures to help facilitate active learning, team building and group skills.
    # Slavin’s work utilizes methods from both Johnson & Johnson and Kagan, and has resulted in the development of specific learning structures.

    So, I think there is no doubt on the effectiveness of cooperative learning as a teaching model . Problems arise precisely when the carrying capacity of schools in terms of facilities and infrastructure could not provide the flexibility for a teacher to practice this learning model, or a lack of understanding of teachers for the various techniques of cooperative learning as well as the problem of the lack of curiosity and enthusiasm of the students as the key to open them to be transformed into a learning society culturally . To achieve a mutual learning process , each component of the school should support each other, because if one of them goes to the wrong track, then it will affect the success of learning. But However, thank you much for having this new scope of cooperative learning, and I’ll sink in those rainbows.

    Best Regards,
    Hasan Abdul Kohar

    E-mail : found.paradise7@gmail.com

  12. Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
    Hello, Mr. Rudi. I am Aswika Pestiana (0203515096), one of your students in post-graduate program khusus 2 in State University of Semarang.
    The fifth webinar entitled "Building Student Autonomy through Cooperative Classroom Management" delivers by Dr. Gena Rhoades.
    She differentiates between traditional learning and cooperative learning. Here, she has explained PIES (P=Positive Interdependence, I=Individual Accountability, E=Equal Participation, and S= simultaneous interaction) and also rainbow learning (red means volume monitor; orange means language monitor; yellow means participation monitor; green means topic monitor/timer). So, rainbow learning can be a perfect combination in teaching and learning process. As a teacher, I will practice that in my classroom so that all of my students can enjoy and fun in studying English. Besides that, the students can be active students in the classroom.
    I'm looking forward for the next series. Thank you for sharing, Sir.
    Wassalamualaikum wr wb

    Aswika Pestiana

  13. Assalamualaikum. Mr. Rudi. I am Rofiq Fuaidi your student at English Department, Post Graduate Faculty of Semarang State University. I thing cooperative classroom management is good for building students autonomy. In cooperative learning, students work together in small groups to complete a structured task or goal. It is more than just working in a group. As you may have experienced, when students are simply required to work together, they are usually rewarded based on the success of the entire group. It is all too often the case that only some members of the group do all of the work. It cannot be said that all of the members are actually learning. On the other hand, in cooperative learning, members of the group are not only rewarded based on the success of the entire group but are also individually accountable for their own work. That’s all of my opinion. Thank you very much.

    Rofiq Fuaidi

  14. Hi, my name is Rury Restu Afifah(2201413149) Email Rury.afifah@yahoo.com in this fifth webinar is discussing about cooperative classroom management. Dealing with this topic, some of the teachers will be questioning about how they can do cooperate and communicative activities without disturbing other classes, where they can find out more about cooperative learning, and how to use it in their classroom. Through webinar, Gena Rhoades, Ed.D will be answered those questions. The problem will be solved by using “PIES” that is positive interdependence, individual accountability, equal participation, and simultaneous interaction in rainbow learning. It will be very effective to applied this technique of learning in the class, Gena Rhoades also provide some possible penalties if the students were breaking the rules that they have been agreed before. After all, this series of webinar is very useful for us. Thank you.

  15. Assalamualaikum.

    I am Aida Widyaning Wardhananti, your post graduate student of UNNES. This webinar entitled "Building Student Autonomy through Cooperative Classroom Management" delivered by Dr. Gena Rhoades is so interesting. She explained about what cooperative learning is. She gave explanation about the difference between traditional learning and cooperative learning. She offered PIES. P stands for Positive Interdependence, I stands for Individual Accountability, E stands for Equal Participation, and S stands for simultaneous interaction. She also told about rainbow learning. The ‘colors’ will make a perfect combination in teaching and learning. Thank you.

    Wassalamualaikum wr wb

    Aida Widyaning Wardhananti

  16. Assalamualaikum,
    Dear Mr. Rudi, I am Iif Nur Afifah (0203515097) your student at Post Graduate Program at Unnes. I’d be very happy to know more about teaching management. Here, Dr. Gena Rhoades tells about "Building Student Autonomy through Cooperative Classroom Management". As a modern teacher, we should always try to use some strategies in teaching so that the learning can be accepted well. Now, I know about PIES (P=Positive Interdependence, I=Individual Accountability, E=Equal Participation, and S= simultaneous interaction). I can prove it when I try to apply it. Besides that, she also tells us about Rainbow Learning. What exciting! Through cooperative classroom management, it gives a lot of advantages for the learners because it encourages collaboration and social interaction. The more teachers know about teaching management, the better result will be. Happy teaching!


  17. Good afternoon Sir, my name is Hind Sha Putri (0203515107) in this special occasion, I am very interested about topic 1.5 Building Student ​Autonomy
    through Cooperative Classroom Management. However, I am not really sure all of teachers can not apply it well. Because Cooperative techniques has strengthen and weakness. But I hope Cooperative techniques that can one of references to apply in teaching and learning process.

  18. Assalamu'alaiku. Good day Sir, I am Ahmad Mubais (0203515099). I am excited about the activity on this American English Webinar. In this time, the topic is Building Student ​Autonomy
    through Cooperative Classroom Management. It is very helpful to the teacher to build and develop student autonomy by cooperative classroom management. By doing this activity, I am sure it can be interesting in learning and studying English, especially in building students autonomy. Great, and Thank You.

  19. Assalamualaikum Pak Rudi,
    I am Muhammad Khoirul Fuadi, your student of graduate program.
    That's interesting to apply cooperative learing in my classroom. As a teaching technique, CL can make my students enjoy the process of teaching learning. CL refers to student-centered. it can give the students chance to express and produce their ideas.
    Besides that, from the activity above, Dr. Gena explained in details PIES(P=Positive Interdependence, I=Individual Accountability, E=Equal Participation, and S= simultaneous interaction. From that, I think CL can encourage the students to be more independent, brave, and creative.
    Thank you.

    Muhammad Khoirul Fuadi

  20. Assalamualaikum Pak Rudi,
    I am Muhammad Khoirul Fuadi, your student of graduate program.
    That's interesting to apply cooperative learing in my classroom. As a teaching technique, CL can make my students enjoy the process of teaching learning. CL refers to student-centered. it can give the students chance to express and produce their ideas.
    Besides that, from the activity above, Dr. Gena explained in details PIES(P=Positive Interdependence, I=Individual Accountability, E=Equal Participation, and S= simultaneous interaction. From that, I think CL can encourage the students to be more independent, brave, and creative.
    Thank you.

    Muhammad Khoirul Fuadi

  21. How is life Mr. Rudi? for the fifth time i enjoy the webinar flash and vedio, more experience and knowledge i receive. Building Student Autonomy through Cooperative Classroom Management". Here i can learn how to manage our class and build my student authority. as we know that cooperative learning emphasize students authority than teachers' . The teaching and learning process is centered on students capacity and independence, while the teacher is a facilitator who serve students' help and guidance. for those, students have much chance to express their thinking and ideas. Moreover, by doing CL, students feel happy and enjoy the study without any burden and worry about teacher assignments and task.
    The webinar fifth series also teach me how to manage classroom well so that students feel save and enjoy studying. Thanks Sir.

    PPS 2015 , ROMBEL 2

  22. Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

    Hello Mr.Rudi,I am Yuliana Zakiyah one of your students of Post Graduate Program in UNNES. This webinar entitled "Building Student Autonomy through Cooperative Classroom Management" delivered by Dr. Gena Rhoades is so interesting. It is helpful for the teachers to manage the class, to increase the students' participation during the lesson. because we know that in CL students work together in small groups to complete a structured task or goal. So, each students must be active learners in delivering their ideas and they will feel enjoy in learning process because of the good and interesting learning environment.
    Thank You
    Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

    Yuliana Zakiyah
