Rabu, 07 Oktober 2015

American English Webinar 1.3

Co-Teaching and Teacher Mentoring: Strategies for Sharing and Improving the Teaching Experience
Dear students,

Today we are learning how to conduct a co-teaching activity in our classroom. To know more how to do that, please watch the video in the following link: https://dos-materialsdevelopment.adobeconnect.com/_a1017942336/p9ih6a8hj5p/?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal. You can also see this or download the files of American English Webinar 1.3 in the following web link: https://sites.google.com/site/unnesenglishwebinar/american-english-webinar-series-1. To enrich your understanding on Co-teaching, please visit some links below:
Have a nice watching and good luck.

Dr. Rudi Hartono
The Viewing Webinar Host

36 komentar:

  1. Assalamualaikum. Hello Mr. Rudi. My name is Rofiq Fuaidi (0203515103), one of your student in English Department, Magister Degree Faculty, Semarang State University. Co-teaching is two or more teachers delivering instruction at the same time in the same physical space to a heterogeneous group of students. There are molre than one teacher in a class. So, this condition has some benefits for the teacher. Some benefits from co-teaching are the teacher successful to build relationship, easy to monitor the students and more support to provide student’s acomodation. These benefits are for the students, too. They get good education relationship from the class. It doesn’t make them to be an individualistic human. Individualistic is our problem now. Beside this, the teacher are easy to monitor the students. If they didn’t give the attention to the teacher, the another teacher can make them better to give attention to the teacher. If the students have the mistake in learning, the another teacher can give them some suggestions. That’s way, co-teaching is good method and applicable in the school.

    Rofiq Fuaidi

  2. Assalaamua’laikum Wr. Wb Mr. Rudi.
    I am one of your students in post graduate Unnes rombel 2. This is the third session of the United States Webinar and this time the title of " Co-Teaching and Teacher Mentoring: Strategies for Sharing and Improving the Teaching Experience" which is really interesting.In My opinion, co-teaching is the right way to make conditions more quiet and effective class. Teachers also lighter in carrying out their duties. Because supervision and teaching is usually done by one person can be done by two person or more. Moreover, in Indonesia the number of students in one class sometimes exceeds the capacity set by the government. Actually, In this country, co-teaching has been applied only in PAUD and KindeRgarden. Hopefully this way can employ the learning evenly to all levels. Thanks Mr. Rudi, I like that video.

    Wassalaamua’laikum Wr. Wb


  3. Assalamu'alaikum

    from this edition of webinar, this is what actually we need as a teacher. Co-Teaching and Teacher Mentoring: Strategies for Sharing and Improving the Teaching Experience is one of way to make it through. So, this condition has some benefits for the teacher. Some benefits from co-teaching are the teacher successful to build relationship, easy to monitor the students and more support to provide student’s accommodation and the benefits for student are : (a) this could make the student interesting in learning material, there is a partner in studying. (b) they get a convenience atmosphere in studying, this is good for their physicist and mental. (c) they also get a good relationship with their teacher.

    by all the benefits, this is a good way to make the learning and teaching more interactive and effective.


    M. Baiqun Isbahi

  4. Asslamua'alaikum. It is very interesting to watch and learning about cooperative learning here. By watching this video we exactly get a new knowledge about co-activity in classroom. Although, there are several disadvantages in conducting a co- activity in a classroom, but there are many advantages such as it has been shown to have a positive effect on student learning when compared to individual or competitive conditions,
    students may explain things better to another student than a teacher to a class. Students learn how to teach one another and explain material in their own words.Furthermore, questions are more likely to be asked and answered in a group setting. Indeed,positive inter dependency is achieved as individuals feel that they cannot succeed unless everyone in their group succeeds and interpersonal and collaboration skills can be learned in a cooperative learning activity. Awesome.

    Ahmad Mubais

  5. Assamu'alaikum Mr. Rudi,
    Firstly I do appreciate what you have given to me in order to improve my experiences in teaching process through this webinar series. I hope my teaching strategies in EFL classroom can be improved.
    Secondly, this webinar series 1.3 about "Co-Teaching and Teacher Mentoring" delivers me how to improve the experiences in teaching of mine. In my opinion, this strategy is very interesting to be applied in the classroom that I can handle the situation of classroom to be more comfortable and active. I am able to share my position in the class with my partners. They will help the students in understanding about the material given. Co-teaching strategy can make our students more active in asking and answering questions. My partners in teaching can cover my management of the class. They also play an active role in the learning process.
    From these reasons, this strategy as cooperative teaching learning process is recommended to be applied. Although there will be some problems such as the students perception in the teachers' role in the classroom, this strategy based on me will give advantages to the students. They can feel enjoy in learning process because they feel they get special attention from their teacher. Besides that, the objectives of teaching activities can be carried out more effectively because there are some facilitators (teachers) that will take part in the teaching learning process. The students will not feel bored waiting the teacher focus in what they learn in the classroom.
    As a teacher, I am so interested applying this strategy in my school because I have considered to invite the other English teacher in order to make teaching learning process be more active, comfortable, and interesting.
    Wassalamualaikum Mr. Rudi,


  6. Assalamu'alaikum Mr. Rudi..
    I am Khomsa, your post graduate student of unnes. My impression after watching this video is "wow". I really like this co-teaching. The most important thing I like in this technique is teamwork. Teaching with other teacher must have good teamwork or good co-teaching relationship. As Mrs. Amy said that there are seven elements will be needed by co-teacher, those are trust, balance, time, flexibility, space, communication, and support. If my partner and I can apply those elements, I think my class will be so interesting and great. So, I think the main point here is good teamwork or good co-teaching relationship.
    Well, I hope I can apply this technique in my class and I will get a good partner to make it happen. Thank you.

    Khomsa Bintana

  7. Assamu'alaikum Mr. Rudi,
    I am Amida Meila Indriasari one of your Post Graduate Student of UNNES. After watching Webinar 1.3 entitled "Co-Teaching and Teacher Mentoring: Strategies for Sharing and Improving the Teaching Experience" sounds familiar for kindergarten school but why don't we used it not only at kindergarten school. It will be agreat experience even thought at the beginning it will be difficult for us. Strategies should be well thought, plan, plan, plan. For five common models of co-teaching, I am interested to try to use station teaching in my class, because I think it is really benafit for big class like here in Indonesia. I hope we can find a good partner and applied it at our class. Thanks

    Amida Meila Indriasari

  8. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  9. The third time you have given me chance to see American English Webinar and one more time I felt so lucky having part of the Webinar viewer. ‘Co-Teaching and Teacher Mentoring: Strategies for sharing and improving the Teaching Experience is really inspiring strategy” presented by Amy Hanna is a great strategy where teachers have experience in the field of teaching English. As a teacher I am very willing to try it in my school get new thing and go professional. Although Co - teaching or team teaching need trust, balance, time, flexibility, space, community and support from school community, it serve students maximum teaching and learning process. In this strategy, both of the teacher have different role but they have same purpose.
    The benefit of using team teaching are also several. One of them is the teacher become observer observing students (particular students, group and classroom), the other teacher and also the teaching model strategy used. This observation is very useful to improve the class to be better.
    The types given in Co-teaching strategy are also very appropriate to my school which involves 40 students in the classroom or big class. However, problems that possibly obstruct in applying this strategy are numbers of English teacher, schedule, school community and school management.
    This team teaching strategy ever been practiced in my school for several times but it was just for practicing a teaching after got training and never be apply truly in the real classroom.


  10. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  11. assalamuaikum Mr. Rudi,
    i was impress when I watched this video. There are many benefit of this technique. But, the important thing of it is the team work of the teachers. In this case, we need good partner to doing it. Actually, our partner have to understand what we are discus in the class. As Mrs. Amy said that there are seven elements will be needed by co-teacher, those are trust, balance, time, flexibility, space, communication, and support. The harmony is the key to make it successful. The last say, the class will be life if the teachers know their position.
    Nova R. Farista

  12. Assalamu'alaikum

    I'm Afit Dwi Jayanti, one of your students in PPs UNNES.
    After watching the third webinar ‘Co-Teaching and Teacher Mentoring: Strategies for sharing and improving the Teaching Experience is really inspiring strategy” presented by Amy Hanna, I got a new idea for teaching. As we know that most of schools in Indonesia is a big class that have more than 30 students in every class. Actually, it's difficult for a teacher to teach and monitor all of the students in the same time. This strategy gives me idea how to manage that situation. By using Co-teaching and teaching monitoring in the classroom, the students' understanding can be improved and the the motivation of them is increased because there are more than one teachers in the class. So, when one of them is delivering the material, the other one is monitoring the students. This condition gives opportunities for the students to ask more and get more information.
    Overall, I can conclude that this strategy is good to be implemented in the classroom to improve students' motivation and understanding.

    Thank you

  13. Assamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

    My Name is Aida Widyaning Wardhananti (0203515100), your post-graduate student of UNNES. This webinar series 1.3 is about "Co-Teaching and Teacher Mentoring". In my opinion, I am so interested to apply this strategy in my classroom. Hopefully, the classroom can be more comfortable and active. This strategy will help the students understand the materials better. Co-teaching strategy encourages our students to be more active to ask and answer questions. This strategy is so highly recommended to be applied. In my opinion, this strategy will give advantages to the students. They can enjoy in the learning process.
    As a teacher, I am so interested to apply this strategy to my classroom.

    Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

  14. My name is Erwin Dwi Nurpermadi and my student number is 0203515092. After watch American English Webinar 1.3, Co-Teaching and Teacher Mentoring: Strategies for Sharing and Improving the Teaching Experience. This session is interesting for the audience of the webinar. It is very usefull information about teaching. It can enrich the knowledge of teaching. There are some strategies in teaching. It can be used to make the students interest in teaching and learning process. They can get some benefits from this strategies. It can make a better relationship between students and the teacher and make a good situation in the classroom.

    Thank you.

  15. Assalamu'alaikum wr wb

    My name is Ernidawati (0203515098). After watched this webinar series 1.3 "Co-teaching and Teacher Mentoring: Strategies for Sharing and Improving the Teaching Experience, I am so interested in it. Co-Teaching, the two or more teachers collaborate to deliver instruction to shared group of students. There are some benefits from co-teaching not only for the teachers but also for the students. The teacher can learn from their colleagues, and they can create some creative lessons by their collaboration. The teacher will fell more supported by their colleagues. For the students, they will feel more attentive because while the teacher is explaining the material, they will get more feedback about the material which they have not known yet from the co-teacher. So, the students can solve their problem easily. It can make the situation of the class more enjoyable.

    Thank You,
    Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb

  16. Assamu'alaikum Mr. Rudi,
    My name is Siti Nurhayati (0203515104). I am your student of post graduate in Unnes. Firstly I do appreciate what you have given to me in order to improve my experiences in teaching process through this webinar series. I hope my teaching strategies in EFL classroom can be improved.
    Secondly, this webinar series 1.3 about "Co-Teaching and Teacher Mentoring" delivers me how to improve the experiences in teaching of mine. In my opinion, this strategy is very interesting to be applied in the classroom that I can handle the situation of classroom to be more comfortable and active. I am able to share my position in the class with my partners. They will help the students in understanding about the material given. Co-teaching strategy can make our students more active in asking and answering questions. My partners in teaching can cover my management of the class. They also play an active role in the learning process.
    Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

  17. Assalamualaikum.
    Hi, Mr. Rudi. My name is Betari Irma Ghasani. I am your students in graduate program khusus 2. The third webinar entitled "Co-Teaching and Teacher Mentoring : Strategies for Sharing and Improving the Teaching Ecperience" discussed what is needed for a successful educational partnership. Moreover, it also presented several co teaching models along with ideas for practical classroom applications. Amy Hanna, the speaker, is a worker on English Teaching Forum of The English Language Programs. She has ten years of experience in the field of Teaching English as a Second Language. According to her,co teacher can help teacher in teaching and learning process. Co-Teaching is when two or more sprofessionals collaborate to deliver instruction to a shared group of students in a common space. This webinar enlighten me more about having and being a co teacher in the classroom.
    Thank your for sharing,Sir, and I am still looking forward for the next session with different topic and speaker.
    Wassalamualaikum wr wb.

    Best regards,
    Betari Irma Ghasani

  18. Assalamualaikum,
    Hello Mr. Rudi, I am Iif Nur Afifah (0203515092), a student of Post-graduate program at Unnes. I'm really interested attending English American Webinar, today this is about "Co-Teaching", when two teachers collaborate to give instruction in one classroom. I do believe that students will enjoy the class because they face different teacher with different ways of course. It gives different taste in learning. Besides that, Co-Teaching can motivate teachers to be competitive in teaching. However, I'm not sure that it can be applied in my school today because every teacher has different grade to teach. I am responsible for grade X, while my friend is responsible for grade XI. Of course, we should focus only for that grade. We also have the same time in teaching. When I teach class A at seven, my friend also teach class B at the same time. But hopefully, this strategy can be applied for all teachers in Indonesia one day. Happy teaching with several strategies! Keeping good things for us!

  19. Assalamu'alaikum,

    Hello Mr. Rudi, My name is Dwi Putri Rilisgius, your student of post graduate in Unnes.
    Before talking too much, I'd like to say thank you for the webinar series that have benefits for us. After watching Webinar 1.3 entitled "Co-Teaching and Teacher Mentoring: Strategies for Sharing and Improving the Teaching Experience" It has potential to be an effective arrangement for attending to students learning, give experience all aspects of teaching and to become excellent classroom practitioner with an attitude of sharing the classroom and students by co-teaching during student teaching. As a teacher I am able to engange in the classroom more fully along side a mentor teacher who remains actively engaged to support student learning. With co-teach once the candidate has established classroom leadership skills and students interact with both adults as their teacher.

    Best regards,
    Dwi Putri Rilisgius

    email: dwi.putririlisgius82@gmail.com

  20. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  21. Assalamualaikum.
    Dear Mr. Rudi. My name is Hasan Abdul Kohar, your student in English Department, Magister Degree Faculty, Semarang State University. The third webinar series entitled "Co-Teaching and Teacher Mentoring : Strategies for Sharing and Improving the Teaching Ecperience" presented by Amy Hanna is a great strategy where two teachers have experience forming collaborative relationships. Two teachers working side-by-side (elbow to elbow) greatly enhanced the opportunity for every student’s learning, especially when that student has special needs.
    Similarly, mentor and intern teachers working side-by-side can serve the needs of the children in their classroom more effectively. In addition, co-teaching enables them to share invaluable insights about teaching that serve to benefit both of them. This new model of student teaching allow teachers to collaborate with other teacher in planning, organization of physical space and materials, and delivery and assessment of instruction in new ways, and it will enrich the classroom atmosphere of learning. Two is better than one, right? More over if both of them are good looking and charming in delivering the materials, sure.... it will create a big chance to increase students academic achievement in every scopes of teaching and learning. Thank you for having me this excellent strategy.

    Best regards,
    Hasan Abdul Kohar

    email : found.paradise7@gmail.com

  22. Assamu'alaikum Mr. Rudi...
    I am Abdusalam Alhadi A Shweba one of your Post Graduate Libyan Student of UNNES. This is the third session of the American English Webinar 1.3 entitled Co-Teaching and Teacher Mentoring: Strategies for Sharing and Improving the Teaching Experience presented by Amy Hanna. This strategy is very successful to be applied in the classroom that can make the teachers explain the material more comfortable and active. Co-teaching strategy can make students be more interactive in the classroom.
    Thank you so much
    Abdusalam, NIM: 0203515111

  23. Hi, my name is Rury Restu Afifah (2201413149) Email Rury.afifah@yahoo.com In this 3rd series of Webinar, Amy Hanna as a presenter uses a title about “Co-teaching: strategies for sharing and improving the teaching experience” she explain about the definition of co-teaching, what is needed for successful relationship between the teacher, five common type of co-teaching model, and also the benefits of using this teaching strategy. This topic is really interesting, because this type of teaching strategy is something new for me. I have never experience this kind of teaching and learning strategy as a student as well as a teacher, since I’m from education program this topic is take my interest to get more information about co-teaching and I intended to practice co-teaching in my class later if I capable to do so. I hope with this new concept of co-teaching program the teaching learning activity will be improved and both students and teachers can get advantages and big chance of improvement in the learning activity and the last, I look forward to another useful topic presented in the next webinar, thank you.

  24. Assamu'alaikum Mr. Rudi,
    Actually I am really interested in watching webinar series about Co-Teaching and Teacher Mentoring. Sometimes, some kids in the class need extra help. And the teacher have to handle that situation. Of course the solution is the teacher needs someone to help. Thats way colaborative teaching is needed in order that the class can be more comfortable. Two teachers mean that one teacher (typically the general education teacher) as the “real” teacher. And the special education teacher is the “co-teacher,” where co-teacher seems to signify “helping teacher” so that the second teacher can help a student that is struggling on a subject. One good thing is there is double the help. But sometimes, two teachers have missunderstanding. They cut each other off all the time and the students don’t always know what they’re talking about. So, both of the teachers must have cooperation among one and the other. Overalls, this strategy is very good for the teacher to make the teaching and learning process can be more fun. And I will try it!
    Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.
    Best regards,
    Rajif Alif Ruansyah (NIM : 0203515058)
    A student of Semarang State University post graduate program Khusus 2
    Email address : jajiez_tara@yahoo.co.id & jajieztara@gmail.com

  25. Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
    Hello, Mr. Rudi. I am Aswika Pestiana (0203515096), one of your students in post-graduate program khusus 2 in State University of Semarang.
    The third webinar entitled "Co-Teaching and Teacher Mentoring : Strategies for Sharing and Improving the Teaching Ecperience" discussed what is needed for a successful educational partnership presented by Amy Hanna is a great strategy where teachers have experience in the field of teaching English. It is very usefull information about teaching. It can enrich the knowledge of teaching. There are some strategies in teaching. It can be used to make the students interest in teaching and learning process. They can get some benefits from this strategies. It can make a better relationship between students and the teacher and make a good situation in the classroom.
    This strategy as cooperative teaching learning process is recommended to be applied. Although there will be some problems such as the students perception in the teachers' role in the classroom, this strategy based on me will give advantages to the students. They can feel enjoy in learning process because they feel they get special attention from their teacher. Besides that, the objectives of teaching activities can be carried out more effectively because there are some facilitators (teachers) that will take part in the teaching learning process. The students will not feel bored waiting the teacher focus in what they learn in the classroom.
    As a teacher, I am so interested applying this strategy in my school because I have considered to invite the other English teacher in order to make teaching learning process be more active, comfortable, and interesting. So, I am very willing to try it in my school get new thing and go professional.
    Wasalamualiakum. Wr.Wb

    Aswika Pestiana

  26. Assalamualaikum. Mr. Rudi. My name is Linna Endah NW(0203515068), your student in English Department, Magister Degree Faculty, Semarang State University. After visiting your blog about Co-teaching , it gives me more understandibg about it. Co-teaching is two or more teachers delivering lesson at the same time to a heterogeneous group of students. It means that there are more than one teacher in a classroon. It has some advantages for the teacher. Those are the teacher is success to build relationship, the teacher will be easy to monitor the students and built more support to provide student’s acomodation. For the students, they get good education relationship from the class. It doesn’t make them to be an individualistic human. Beside this, the teacher are easy to monitor the students. If they didn’t give the attention to the teacher, the another teacher can give them better to give attention to the teacher. If the students have the mistake in learning, the another teacher can give them some suggestions. So I can say that this way, co-teaching is good method and applicable in the school. Thank you

  27. Assalamualaikum. Mr. Rudi. My name is Linna Endah NW(0203515068), your student in English Department, Magister Degree Faculty, Semarang State University. After visiting your blog about Co-teaching , it gives me more understandibg about it. Co-teaching is two or more teachers delivering lesson at the same time to a heterogeneous group of students. It means that there are more than one teacher in a classroon. It has some advantages for the teacher. Those are the teacher is success to build relationship, the teacher will be easy to monitor the students and built more support to provide student’s acomodation. For the students, they get good education relationship from the class. It doesn’t make them to be an individualistic human. Beside this, the teacher are easy to monitor the students. If they didn’t give the attention to the teacher, the another teacher can give them better to give attention to the teacher. If the students have the mistake in learning, the another teacher can give them some suggestions. So I can say that this way, co-teaching is good method and applicable in the school. Thank you

  28. Good morning Mr. Rudi. My name is Hind Sha Putri (0203515107), your student Program Khusus 2 in English Department Magister Degree Faculty Semarang State University. I have read your material in third American English Webinar talked about co-teaching. In my opinion it is very new information for me, and it is very beneficial for me. And I think I should apply co-teaching technique with my partner in teaching and learning process for making students are too enthusiastic. Thank you

  29. Hi, I am Tri Okta Ervina (0203515087). I am a student in Graduate Program, Semarang State University (UNNES). I am interesting in this topic entitled Co-Teaching and Teacher Mentoring: Strategies for Sharing and Improving the Teaching Experience. Co-Teaching is an appropriate way in sharing knowledge to students because it has many advantages. First, it helps students in gaining sources of materials that come from two different minds. Second, It helps teachers in monitoring students because there are two teachers in the class. Third, it helps teachers to create creative teaching aids and interesting classroom activity because there are two minds gathered. Yet, there should be any difficulties in employing Co-Teaching in the classroom. One of them is making same perception in using the appropriate method or technique for teaching and also aim in teaching students for both teachers who teach in the classroom. However, the difficulties can be solved if there is a good communication between teachers.

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  31. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  32. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  33. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  34. Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Hello Mr. Rudi, I am Yuliana Zakiyah (0203515062) , one of your students in Postgraduate program khusus 2, Semarang State University (UNNES). The third webinar series entitled " Co-Teaching and Teacher Mentoring: Strategies for sharinh and Improving the Teaching Experience" by Amy Hanna is very interested strategy. Because it is teamwork that one of teacher is delivering or explaining the material and one of them is monitoring the students. So, it make easy in managing the class and it help the students' understanding on materials better.
    I will share this strategy with my partner and hopefully we can apply this strategy in our class.
    Thank you.

    Wassalamu'alaimum Wr.Wb.

  35. Assamu'alaikum ..
    my name is Abdulghani Mohammed Emran one of your Post Graduate Libyan Student of UNNES. This is the third session of the American English Webinar 1.3 entitled Co-Teaching and Teacher Mentoring: Strategies for Sharing and Improving the Teaching Experience presented by Amy Hanna. This strategy is very successful to be applied in the classroom that can make the teachers explain the material more comfortable and active. Co-teaching strategy can make students be more interactive in the classroom.
    Thank you so much
    Abdusalam, NIM: 02035151113

  36. Assallmualikum,...
    My name is Ida Lestari one of your Post Graduate Student of UNNES
    This webinar series 1.3 about "Co-Teaching and Teacher Mentoring" look interesting for me to be applied in the class, because it can give any experiences how to improve and share our knowledge in teaching English with our partner. Students also get a new method and atmosphere in the class. This strategy is also affective to control and manage students in teaching learning process, especially if we used the cooperative methods , this technique is really helpfull.
    Thank you
    Ida Lestari NIM : 0203515109
