Rabu, 09 September 2015

American English Webinar 1.1

Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally


Dear students,

Today you can watch the viewing session of American English Webinar 1.1 entitled Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally. Please click the following link to see the presentation video delivered by Eve Smith:

Beside that you can also click the same link and download some webinar materials in the following web page: https://sites.google.com/site/unnesenglishwebinar/american-english-webinar-series-1

After watching this viewing session, please put your comments on the comment box below. Thanks for watching and good luck.


Dr. Rudi Hartono, M.Pd.

The Viewing Host of American English Webinar Series 1


77 komentar:

  1. My name is Rury Restu Afifah (2201413149) Email Rury.afifah@yahoo.com After watching American English Webinar season 1 entitled “Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally” with Eve Smith. I realize that I as an English education student will be having a responsibility to make my students being engaged in social media that they need in the future. We have to think of how we prepare students for a world when we are unsure of what it will be like? I think creativity and critical thinking is very important to teach in our students. One of the methods to improve students’ creativity and critical thinking is by using social media which is very exciting for them and relevant to their future such as Facebook, Edmodo, instagram and act. According to Don Topscott, social media is the new marketplace of the world, by using social media it means we are preparing our students to engage in global community. Not only creativity and critical thinking that the students learn through social media, but also practicing English language with correct grammar and enrich their vocabulary. Eve also give us the procedure to manage a class when we want to applied social media campaign project and I think it is very useful. Thank you.

  2. Hello...! My name is Ahmad Mubais. My email address is amoeba_its@yahoo.co.id. I really wonder to see American English Webinar discussed about "Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting Your Classroom Local Globally." It very useful for student in distributing their ideas and creativity by using the social media as the tools to communicate each others. The American English Webinar lead the student to drain and encourage students positively in using those media. As we know that some media social is a crucial media that give all people all over the world to canalize comments by no control of the rules. As a teacher we have to be creatively using those media and make the students using the media to encourage and engage learning English language. This served students to develop in Learning English and give the details methods in order to raise up the students capabilities.

  3. Hello! My name is Adya Noor Gistha. My e-mail address is adyanoorgistha@gmail.com. The title of the American English Webinar 1.1 "Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting Your Classroom Locally and Globally" pull out my curiosity. I'm an English Literature student and I don't even want to be a teacher in the future, but I'm so curious how can I use social media as a tool for community engagement. It's because nowadays social media is being a one of "most have" things. As we know that the world needs all of the different kinds of minds to work together. So, to make something works we must combine many different kinds of mind, one of the tool to combine our different kinds of mind is social media. Even I don't want to be a teacher who teach in classroom, I also need a social media in my future job to engage connecting with my co-worker locally and globally. I really get the point of this webinar because Mrs. Eve delivered the webinar in clearly way. I hope I can apply her methods correctly and easily in the future. Can't wait for the next session of this webinar >< By the way, thanks a lot Mrs. Eve! ♥♥♥

  4. My name is Nur Fitriyanti (2201413174) my email address is nurfifitriyanti@gmail.com. I have watched the American English Webinar season 1 entitled “Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally” that delivered by Eve Smith. After watching the video I realize that as the teacher in the future we have to think critically and creatively to help the student developing their skill to prepare them self face the future. Meeting in the classroom is not enough to develop their skills. Using the social media to encourage their abilities for community engagement is a brilliant idea I think. Social media is new means of production and now almost the students use social media in their daily life. The students should have creative thinking because it is important for the future. even if we are not creative we should have creative thinkin. In the slide Eve asked to impact our community with meaningful project by doing social media campaign. It is very beneficial to develop student’s skill, educate, inpire and help. It is very inspiring thankyou.

  5. My name is Milatina Nurul Hasanah. My email address is milamilatina@yahoo.com i’m very glad to watch the American English Webinar season 1 entitled “Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally”. Well, as we know that social media has become a part of our lives. I also realize that everyday and everytime i always use more than one social media. i always check it everyday, something like instagram, path, line, bbm, etc. Of course, i absolutely agree with the discussion that delivered by Mrs.Eve that social modia is the new means of production,education needs to feed the spirit, the world needs all of the different kinds of minds to work together and social media as a tool for community engagement. Nowadays, in modern time, social media is very important, especially for education. But, there are so many thought that social media will only have a negative effect, actually not all of social media have a negative effect. It depends on how we use it. So, it’s very usefull discussion because this discussion lead the students to be positively using social media. And she also tell us that when we want to be a lecturer or teacher we have to use the creative methods in teaching students, and one of the methods is using social media which is very exciting for them. By using social media, the students should have creative thinking and it is very important for the future. So, it means that we are preparing our students to engage in global community. Mrs. Eve also give us the way to manage a class when we want to apply the social media project, so we can easily apply it in a classroom. It’s very usefull for us. Thankyou!

  6. Social Media as referred in the relationship among users, are rapidly growing types of digital media. They emerge in various forms to bring people together as communities: Blogs (e.g., WordPress), Social Networks (e.g., Facebook), Microblogs (e.g. Twitter), Wikis (e.g. Wikipedia), Video Podcasts, Discussion Forums, RSS Feeds, and Photo Sharing (e.g. Flickr) (2012 cited in GSA's Office of Citizen Services & Innovative Technologies) as examples. In Thailand, the Social Media have played a vital role for decades.

    The statistics show that about 20.6 million out of 66.7 million Thai people have access to the Internet (Neilson, 2011 cited in Report on the Digital Media Habits and Attitudes of Southeast Asian Consumers). Social Media has influenced teaching and learning English at present. Originated in the world of Social Networking, the Social Media has already been integrated into an informal education system for decades; i.e. teleconference and distance learning before it has evolved into a more sophisticated system, e-learning. And now after watching the video that is webinar I realize that as the teacher in the future has to think critically and creatively to help the student developing their skill. Sometimes meeting in the classroom is not enough to develop their skills. Using the social media to encourage their abilities and increase their knowledge for community engagement are a brilliant idea. The formal use of Social Media can be recognized as a combination of online and traditional classroom teaching as proposed by Schmidt and Brown (2004 cited in A Model to Integrate Online Teaching and Learning Tools into the Classroom. The Journal of Technology Studies.). They believe that such a combination could enhance the teaching and learning environment as well as technology literacy of both students and teachers. From the video it shows could understand that Mrs.Eve encouraged us (as an English Teacher) to open our mind to have a fun and creative teaching methods. For example, in the video, Mrs.Eve drove us to think about using social media which has been engaged in students' life as a tool for community engagement. Students having different abilities which makes them unique and attractive to be involved in also with the social media integrated as the new environment of learning, and also the role of the teachers is altered to be less controlled as Dalton (2009 cited in Teaching and Learning through Social Networks) implied from his research result that “teachers should change their role into ‘facilitator’ rather than the ‘giver-of-knowledge’ and promote more group work and relaxing learning environments”.

    In my opinion, so far webinar is one of the alternative of teaching and learning tool to engage students in classroom, as PresenterNet Publish in 2009 there are seven tips to conduct a great webinar better and this is a creative way to develop teaching and learning process. More research needs to be conducted and tracked down regarding the never-ending evolution of technology in terms of educational implications.

    M. Baiqun Isbahi

  7. My name is Sarah Jasmin Adeline. (22114140140) my email adress is sarahkazunari285@gmail.com. It's so true that now is the era of social media. Social Media itself actually being made to communicate with other people around the world. Around the world, can you imagine? That was awesome! So why not we use it for a better destiny?Like we can use social media as a media for telling our idea? We can critique and give an advise for a social problem. Example: we heard unfair judgement and we decide to make a facebook group to support the victim. And social media also can be a media for our creativity. We can post our short story and our poetry, and it can develop our writing skill and if we're luck we can have our writing being published, who know? After I saw this video, I want to write in my blog again. Because, it's been a long time my blog has been neglected by me.

  8. Hi! My name is Fatikha Amalina, I am a student of Semarang State University and my student number is 2211414039. My e-mail address is fatikhaamalina@gmail.com. Season 1 American English Webinar with the title "Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally" is really inspiring for me. I am an English Literature student and I enjoy teaching very much. This webinar session encourages me to be a better teacher by using the social media as a learning source for students in order to enhance and develop their creativity. Social media can also be a good source to gain intelligence, which is the abitlity to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. Social media would be a great canvas where students can paint and draw their unique ideas that has been piled up in their minds by making a campaign to help others. "The creative adults is a child who survived". Creativity is essential in this life. To have a great future, we have to teach children about creative thinking so that they can enlighten their future by doing incredible things with such creativity. I am so grateful to be able to watch this first webinar session delivered by Mrs. Eve. It is amazing, thank you so much!

  9. Hello! My name is Rohmatul Umma and I am a student of Semarang State University. My student number is 2211414049 and my e-mail address is umma.rohmatul20@gmail.com. I am very interested in the title of American English Webinar Season 1 which is "Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement : Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally". I am a Literature Student and I don't really interested in teaching but what makes me glad watching this webinar is because I am a social-media-holic. I like social media and i use it everytime, everyday, and everywhere. So, this webinar made me curious about how a social media can also be a good source to gain intelligence and connecting community locally and globally. I am a social media user but i don't even realize those wonderful advantages can be gained from a social media. I completely agree that social media can be a tool to make people be creative as well as to make a great campaign to help a society and wow! social media is just an amazing thing. Through social media, we can communicate and do help others with a greater community around the world and in a greater way. But sadly, many of social media users still do not realize about these great advantages. They just use it as a tool that can entertain them and a tool where they can throw out their personal feelings. They don't realize that those activities (tweeting, posting on facebook, instagram, blog) are ways in which they are learning to write, to be creative, to use language, to know another cultures and many more. They just like "Wow! So this whole time i have learned it all through my social media?". Well, I think this webinar session presented by Mrs. Eve do inspires me. People just have to make sure to watch this.

  10. this is my second command after i lost my comment before. my name is Nova Rifqi Farista my student number is 0203515093. my email address is Novapha2@yahoo.com. as a listener and audience of "Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement : Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally" on webinar, i realize that internet is important to make a new teaching learning process. so may social media in this world like facebook, twitter, instagram, path, and soon. but all of them are common and mainstream. as a teacher we should be think, and make a change. how we can make the student interest to study english. in fact, the student still think that English is disaster. In the digital era, almost the teacher uses the social media as theirs. Now, I want to show something extraordinary about the special media that student does not think that they are not studying. Clash of clans. Everyone like a game. But, in my opinion this game is a good media. Why? This is a commutative game. we can communicate to all the people around the world. It has a clan. Clan is feature to join room and connect to people. There are so many clan around the world. After we join the clan, we directly connect to the people. In the left side we can fine chat box. There, we can say what we want. From the chat box, our student can learn writing language. in my opinion, game is a fun media to learn English.

    Thank you
    Nova R. Farista
    A student of Semarang State University post graduate program
    Email address : Novapha2@yahoo.com

  11. Hallo! My name is Endang Susilowati (2201413123). My Email address is susilowati.endang099@gmail.com. Honestly, it is my first time in attending American English Webinar. Firstly, I was so curious about what and how webinar is. After watching the first series of American English Webinar entitled "Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting Your Classroom Locally and Globally” presented by Eve Smith, I got an answer of my curiosity. It was so great. The topic raised is very interesting and useful for education field. If we see the reality that most of students have social media accounts. Perhaps, there are some people think that it is less important and just for wasting time, but actually it is not. It can be used for developing education as well. Social media is an easy and effective way in connecting our classroom locally and globally. Through social media, students are easy to express or write everything in their mind. Eve showed us thoroughly how social media enhancing students creativity and critical thinking. Besides, she told us that every teacher is able to create something creative as long as she or he is open-minded. I personally as a student of education program and an English teacher to be is demanded to be able to create interesting methods in teaching. Furthermore, the existence of social media facilitates us to create teaching methods attractively because almost all students know and can’t get rid of social media as they use every day or even every time. More and more I was so amazed at first series of American English Webinar because Eve explained and delivered her ideas beautifully. I’m waiting for the next series of webinar with other inspiring topics.

    Thank you.

  12. Hello my name is Ratri Pamuji, my student number is 2201413150 and then my e-mail address is ratripamuji670@yahoo.com. I am very pleased, because it is my first experience to attend webinar class. I have watched the first series entitled "Social Media as a Tool for Community Engangement" delivered by Eve Smith. I think it is very useful for me, because I am a teacher wanna be. By using social media as a tool, it will make the teacher easy to develop their students' skills. In this globalization era, social media is very useful for everyone in science. In this case, social media is the media for teaching or for developing the students' skills, creativity, and also abilities. As a teacher, it a must to have creative method for teaching. Thank You.

  13. Hello world ! My name is Matta Maurilla Kartika Dewi (2211414022), say hay me on my e-mail matta.sastra@gmail.com. Really interesting ! I’m a social media addict, i have a lot of social media on my smartphone. I use BBM, Line, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram as always. And watching American English Webinar Season 1 entitled “social media as a tool for community engagement : connecting your classroom locally and globally” really gain my knowledge about anything that belongs to social media.
    From American English Webinar i know social media is not existence of smartphone only, but also has many benefits for us especially in teaching and learning terms. I’m a literature student and i find it is necessary for us to know that social media can be important for many things such as connecting each other locally and globally as Mrs.Eve tell us. I’ll share to all my community that “Come on! make social media as a place to improve our creativity and let's do something that impacts on our society with meaningful projects from a social media campaign.”

    Let's "take and give" on the social media!.
    Take all everything that are beneficial for you but don’t forget to give back something that are useful and beneficial for everyone.
    Thank you Mrs. Eve for inspiring us to be able to develop our knowledge of "how to make something more useful for others". See ya !

  14. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  15. my name is Umu Nisbatul Fauziah Zen and my student number is 2211414015. my e-mail address is munis.fauziah@gmail.com. I'm very interested of watching season 1 American English Webinar with title "social media as a tool for community engagement" : connecting your classroom locally and globally. as we know, in globalization era internet especially social media affected very much in our life, and I realize that it more useful for our development of knowledge. I'm glad to say thanks to Mrs.Eve who has taught us how to make campaign and anything else. as I'm a literature student, it helps me to express my creativity, not only through words, but also through campaign too, so we can tell people something useful for others locally and globally. I think American English Webinar is good website that can help us communicate with new people arund the world and find new experience that we don't know before. thank you for the inspiration. it was amazing.

  16. Hi, My name Rajif Alif Ruansyah. I am really interested in watching American English Webinar seoson 1 entitle “ Social Media As a tool for community engagement : connecting your classroom locally and globally.” Nowdays social media has the important role in our daily activities. Perhaps we should ask “ How do social media affect learning?” we could not separate between media and learning. They have closed relationship. I think the social media gives much contribution in teaching and learning. Because education needs more development. It is not only about the theory, but also the aplication. Social media can be a stimulus to explore our idea and creativity. As an english teacher, I use Edmodo for my teaching media. It is verry helpful in submitting the students assignment. After watching the video Webinar, I am certain most of the teacher will develop their teaching method in order that the taching and laerning process will be more fun and attractive. It’s very inspiring.
    Thank you
    Rajif Alif Ruansyah (0203515058)
    A student of Semarang State University post graduate program Khusus 2
    Email address : jajiez_tara@yahoo.co.id & jajieztara@gmail.com

  17. Assalamualaikum Pak Rudi,
    I am Muhammad Khoirul Fuadi as your student in post graduated program khusus 2. After watching the video, I am very excited to bring this in my classroom. As a teacher, I think it is very useful media to my students in learning English. They as I know use social media to communicate with others. They are interested in social media such as facebook, twitter, path, instagram, etc.
    They are good in using it. According to this, I think that why I don't try to use the media social in teaching English. It is very useful and make the students enjoy and feel comfortable in learning English. It goes without saying that the use of media social can make our teaching learning become more interesting.
    I have to start using it in my teaching. So it is not easy as the video in this page. However it must be tried.

    Thank you, Sir for sharing about this.
    I am very lucky.

    by Muhammad Khoirul Fuadi

  18. Assalamualaikum Pak Rudi,
    I am Muhammad Khoirul Fuadi as your student in post graduated program khusus 2. After watching the video, I am very excited to bring this in my classroom. As a teacher, I think it is very useful media to my students in learning English. They as I know use social media to communicate with others. They are interested in social media such as facebook, twitter, path, instagram, etc.
    They are good in using it. According to this, I think that why I don't try to use the media social in teaching English. It is very useful and make the students enjoy and feel comfortable in learning English. It goes without saying that the use of media social can make our teaching learning become more interesting.
    I have to start using it in my teaching. So it is not easy as the video in this page. However it must be tried.

    Thank you, Sir for sharing about this.
    I am very lucky.

    by Muhammad Khoirul Fuadi

  19. Hello, I'm Taufiq Nur Hidayat , here is my email address; taufiqnhidayat19@yahoo.co.id , First of all I'd like to thank to Mr. Rudi who brings this seminar into my class. I like this seminar. This is a great seminar , it deals with very popular topic nowadays that's dealing with social media. Very good topic; Social Media as a tool for Community Engagement. I think all students have many accounts of any social media, so they can accept this kindly. What I've got from this, social media is not only for sharing our feelings but we can use it to communicate to the others. I mean here we can use it to communicate the good thing or share a campaign maybe consisting about good or kindness not only for having fun. I think that's all from me, I hope I can attend the other sequel of webinar. Thank you Mr. Rudi Hartono for showing this webinar to us.

  20. Hello, Mr. Rudi.
    I am Hasan Abdul Kohar, your student in post graduated program khusus 2. I do enthusiastic after watching the video 1 entitle “ Social Media As a tool for community engagement : connecting your classroom locally and globally.” I found that most of my students are familiar in using any social media, and your video stimulates me to use the social media into various benefits to my students. Really I can't wait to apply it.

    Thank you
    Hasan Abdul Kohar

  21. Dear Mr. Rudi
    I'm Dwi Putri Rilisgius (0203515094), one of your student in post graduate program. My email: dwi.putririlisgius82@gmail.com. I was so curious about what and how webinar is. After watching the first series of American English Webinar entitled "Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting Your Classroom Locally and Globally” presented by Eve Smith, I got an answer of my curiosity.it's really useful for us as a teacher and so does the student.because can develop our knowledge about social media usage that can be applied in the classroom so they won't be bored in English learning, and i'm interested in following your class directly ,and want to know much more the next series.

  22. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  23. Hi, My name is Septia Lana , my email address is Lannanew@gmail.com , I've been watching the American English Webinar season 1 entitled “Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally”.it's great webinar! The topic is very interesting and useful , because the topics are selected based on a needs analysis of current issues in global English teaching,I get a lot of knowledge from watching this webinar and also I receive practical and adaptable classroom ideas related to the topic , thanks Mrs. Eve and to Mr. Rudi who brings this seminar into the class, so we can see and know about this great webinar. ^^

  24. Assalamualaikum wr wb. My name is Nunung Fatmala 2211414048 and my e-mail address nunungfatmala17@yahoo.com After watching American English Webinar season 1 entitled “Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally” with Eve Smith I just was excited to watch. I think students should indeed think critically about social media such as when using facebook , instagram , Edmodo and the other with social media use was . students may also foster creativity outstanding with social media is to hone language skills and attitude of their language. According to Don Topscott, social media is the new marketplace of the world, by using social media it means we are preparing our students to engage in global community. Not only creativity and critical thinking that the students learn through social media, but also practicing English language with correct grammar and enrich their vocabulary. Eve also give us the procedure to manage a class when we want to applied social media campaign project and I think it's very handy for students. Wassalamualaikum wr wb.

  25. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  26. Assalamualaikum.
    Hello,Mr.Rudi. I am Betari Irma Ghasani,one of your students in graduate program khusus 2. My email address is betari.ghasani@gmail.com
    After watching one of American English Webinar series entitled "Social Media as a Tool of Community Engagement: Connecting Your Locally and Globally" presented by Eve Smith, I think it is such a very useful for either teacher or student since as a media which can help us to develop our knowledge about the using of social media in our daily life. In addition, Eve also give us the procedure in how manage a class when we,as teacher, want to apply social media project. Furthermore, this media can be applied in our daily learning and teching process. To put in a nutshel, as a would be teacher, I am looking forward to applying this media to my students. Wish me luck.

    Thank you,Sir for sharing.

    Betari Irma Ghasani

  27. My name is Amida Meila Indriasari. After watching American English Webinar discussed about : 'Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: connecting your classroom locally and Globally. I just surprised that there are so many benaficities that we could not imagine before especially for our students to get 21st century skills. Now the world is in our hands. I am looking forward for next webinar. Thanks
    Amida meila Indriasari (020351091)
    post graduate program
    Email :amidameila@gmail.com

  28. Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
    i'm Afit Dwi Jayanti, one of your post-graduate students.
    This is my first time watching American English Webinar and after watching the series of "Social Media as a Tool of Community Engagement: Connecting Your Locally and Globally" presented by Eve Smith, I do realize that teaching English using social media is very interesting for both the teacher and the students. We all know that most of students do like to connect each other using facebook, twitter, blog, instagram, etc n their daily life. From this condition, As a teacher, we can apply the use of social media to teach English for the students using project based learning. I think, they will enjoy and do not feel bored to learn. I'm waiting for the next series.

    Thank you

  29. Hello Mr. Rudi. I am Rofiq Fuaidi, your students from magister degree class special two (0203515103). My email address is rofiq.mmh@gmail.com. I have been watching the video. In my opinion, as a teacher, we must use the interesting media for teaching and learning. Social media is such a prevalent part of modern society. So, we are beginning to take a different approach by introducing social media into the educational system itself. Social media has some benefits for education; Social media sites can increase student collaboration, encourage more participation, useful for homework help and Share resources quickly when using social media in the classroom.
    So, I concluded that Social media has a proponent of social constructivism, an aspect of social learning theory that discussed last week.
    I think learning in community is better than individually. In community, the students have the same interest and purpose. Those make them focus on the target in learning and learn deep about the material or skill. Thank you.

  30. Assalamu'laikum wr wb

    My name is Ernidawati(0203515098). I am your students of post-graduate program. This is my first time to watch American English Webinar. I feel interested in the series entitled "Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement : connecting your classroom locally and globally ". I think that it is useful for us. Social media can be an effective tools for teaching and learning in education. It can help the students to get more information and knowledge which they have not got it in the classroom yet. It can help the students generating their idea into a dialogue with their teacher and other students. It can also make them more enjoying the material. I am looking forward for the next series.

    Thank you,

    Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb

    Ernidawati (0203515098)
    Email: ernidanindya@yahoo.com

  31. Hello! My name is Hana Septiana Johariani (2211414004). I am your student of Paragraph-based Writing. My e-mail address is hanasepttiana@gmail.com. The title of the American English Webinar 1.1 "Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting Your Classroom Locally and Globally". Hi Mrs. Eve thanks for sharing information about using a social media. It is very interesting topic. I am a student of social media addict. I have a lot of social media accounts on my phone. But I mostly use fuel, line, instagram. Facebook and twitter is seldom I use. I agree that social media is very beneficial for all of us in all kinds of affairs. especially now, had been able to teach how to use social media, and it is helpful for teachers and student.Social media may be more pronounced benefit, when users use it well. By the use of good, users will also get the good things, such as getting information and knowledge about something that wanted to know. I’m waiting for the next series of webinar with other inspiring topics.

  32. Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
    My name is Yekti Utami Priyadiningrum (2211414019). I am your student of Paragraph-based Writing. My e-mail address is yektiutamip@gmail.com. I think the American English Webinar's title about "Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement : Connecting Your Classroom Locally and Globally" is very interesting. Thank you for Mrs. Eve that give us some information about using social media for positive things, because I am a social media addict and I have some social media in my phone like BBM, line, instagram, facebook, twitter, path, askfm and edmodo. It also helps us to express our work, teaching and learning process (between teacher, student, and parent) through social media for example like edmodo. If we use social media for positive things, we also get some positive thing or more knowledge. Can't wait to watch the next inspiring and interesting topics from webinar.
    Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

  33. Hello, My Name is Yuliana Zakiyah (0203515062) I am your students of postgraduate program. After watching American English Webinar entitled " Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting Your Classroom Locally and Globally". It is an interesting media for teaching and learning. I feel interested to the subject because I think it will be useful for us as an English teacher and it is very helpful for the teachers and students. Because nowadays, most of people have an account of social media. So, the teacher can apply be easily in applying the use of social media to teach English. I'm looking forward for the next series. Thank you.
    Yuliana Zakiyah (0203515062)
    Email: yuliana.zakiyah@yahoo.co.id

  34. Assalamualaikum
    I am Linna Endah NW, a post graduate students of UNNES (0203515068).
    After watching this one of webinar video, I myself think that webinar is a new great way to teach our students. Internet nowadays is really close to our life, especially SMP and SMA students, as like social media, website, blog, youtube and many others.
    Meanwhile, if we are going to give this activities to our school students we have to consider many things, such as the fiber, access, materials/ topic to give, students' preference, etc.
    A new innovation technique would give much benefit if it is done considerebly. For me, it is a new challenge as a teacher to apply this new technique in my classroom.
    Thank you


  35. Hi, my name is Tri Okta Ervina (0203515087), I am really interested in the topic discussed which is about social media. In this globalization era, people need to share information, knowledge and action. Hence, it demands not only for people who are in the specific field but also for educational purposes. Social media is also a media for learning which is closely related with 21st learning. It can be used by teachers to teach students and also helps students to improve their knowledge and skills. If it is related to teach language, especially English, it can be done through posting project, composition or argument about an event in the students’ social media. It can be facebook, twitter, instagram, edmodo, blog etc. By posting it, everyone is able to assess their work. It is also more insight from others than only being assesed by their teacher. The use of social media can boost students’ motivation to be aware of their language when they post because everyone will see their work. It is a plus point of using social media in ELT. However, it also still have many challenges to do it. Hence, it is a homework for us as educators. 

  36. Assalaamualaikum Wr. Wb Mr. Rudi,
    I am one of your student in post graduated program khusus 2. My name is Dholiful Hadi. After watching American English Webinar season 1 entitled “Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally”, I am increasingly convinced that the many ways we can do to make learning English more interesting, especially in an era of increasingly sophisticated technology. Seemed like nothing is impossible in this world. Thank you Mr. Rudi for the inspiration that has been given to us. I realized that as a student of post graduate of English education department, I will have the responsibility to demonstrate to students that social media is not just a showcase for something, but also can be used as good learning, write down good opinion, transferring knowledge. Hopefully, one day we will capable of being like Mr. Rudi which gives a lot of inspiration. Thank you
    Wassalaamualaikum Wr. Wb
    Dholiful Hadi

  37. assalamualaikum wr.wb.
    I am aida widyaning wardhananti (0203515100), your student of post graduate in Unnes. I am so interested in webinar. I think webinar can be a great media in teaching English as nowadays students find web-based-learning so interesting. Through this web, not only students but also the teachers can learn and gain more information and knowledge. However, considering the condition of our internet access, especially for the remote areas, this apply of web-based-learning would be so challenging.
    Thank you

  38. Assalamualaikum,
    Hello Mr. Rudi, I am Iif Nur Afifah (0203515097), your student of post-graduate program in Unnes. After watching American English Webinar entitled "Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement : Connecting Your Classroom Locally and Globally", I do believe that social media is a very effective way in teaching English nowadays. Both the teacher and students will be update and find interesting way in learning English. Meeting in the classroom is not enough. We, as an English teacher should bring our students to the world. Sometimes I upload my students activity on facebook for example, and they are eager to give comments or feedback. I also ask them to send their writing on their blog. This way, we can make our calssroom think globally.
    Thank You

  39. Hello, Mr. Rudi, I'm Ida Lestari 0203515109 your student in post graduate Program Kusus 2. I'm very interested with webinar program, As we know that many students have account and they use it every day every time, I think it will be very attractive and interesting if it can bring to the class as a new teachniq methode. So I think we have to prepare a good internet access or internet conection in our school like wifi or hot spot

  40. Assalamu'alaikum Mr. Rudi, I am Khomsa Bintana, your student in post graduate program. I think the webinar is interesting and helpful for me as an English Education student and an English teacher. By watching this video, we can increase our knowledge about how to use social media as a teaching tool, not only that, but also we can open our point of views about social media wider. So, I think it is very inspiring. Thank you. Wassalamu'alaikum

  41. What a sophisticated tools to study the webinar is! This English language teaching method is really inspiring and challenging. Here, all people around the world can learn English easily without any anxiety. The process of register is also easy. This site offers anyone to involve in a real English situation. Students can express all their ideas without having shy. Here, the students can learn to speak and to write in English in Chat Column. Moreover, the materials presented here are also easy and catch-able by new English learner. The topic for example” "Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting Your Classroom Locally and globally” it is amazing and very inspiring. All students must have social media application on their hands. They must really master to use it even though it is set in English language. Furthermore, it can also be used as media for them practicing English like what I have done to my students with our Face book Group account.

    Muh Imam Shofwan
    PPS Students 2015

  42. My name is Siti Nurhayati. I am one of your student in post graduate program in Unnes. My email address is siti.nurhayati81@yahoo.com. I just was excited to watch American English Webinar discussed about "Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally". It is useful for us by using social media in Teaching Learning process. it served us such a great method to develop and widen the creativity of students using social media which is very well-known among the students over the world. As a teacher must create a new and creative method in teaching students. Mrs.Eve encouraged us (as an English Teacher Lecturer in our future) to open our mind to have a fun and creative teaching methods. To communicate them each other locally and globally, we can function social media. Besides, we can also function it among the students in order to open their mind and creativity in developing their own capability. I can't wait any longer to watch the other issues. Thanks.

  43. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  44. My name is Erwin Dwi Nurpermadi. (0203515092) my email adress is erwin.nurpermadi@gmail.com. I have already watched American English Webinar and I am really interested in watching American English Webinar season 1 entitle “ Social Media As a tool for community engagement : connecting your classroom locally and globally. Social media is one of important part of daily life. It is very useful not only for students but also for teachers. We can use it to improve our skills. I also have already used internet in teaching process in e-learning and the students very interested to join in. I'm waiting for the next series.
    Thank you

  45. Hello, my name is Zuhrotul Abidah [2211414031]. watching the viewing session of American English Webinar 1.1 entitled Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally is very pleasing. this seminar gave me so many knowledge and motivation to study more and more by social media, because before I watch this seminar I was very lazy to take the advantage from social media. thank you very much..I'm waiting for the next session...

  46. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  47. Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Hello, Mr. Rudi. I am Aswika Pestiana (0203515096), one of your students in post-graduate program khusus 2 in State University of Semarang. This is the first time for me to watch American English Webinar series entitled "Social Media as a Tool of Community Engagement: Connecting Your Locally and Globally" presented by Eve Smith, I think it is an interesting media for teaching and learning process. It is very useful for students and teachers in doing communication to get a lot of information and knowledge by using social media because it gives a lot of contribution in teaching and learning process to be more interesting and attractive. Social media helps teachers stay engaged in education to prepare the students to engage in global community and it also encourages collaboration in dealing with everyday issues that teachers face in their work. It offers a great space for sharing experiences, collaborating, researching and updating one knowledge. From a cultural perspective, social media can be a vehicle for world peace and inter-cultural understanding through the promotion of cross-cultural dialogue. However, this media can be applied in our daily learning and teching process by using project based learning. I'm looking forward for the next series. Thank you very much for sharing. Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb

    Aswika Pestiana

  48. Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Hello, Mr. Rudi. I am Aswika Pestiana (0203515096), one of your students in post-graduate program khusus 2 in State University of Semarang. This is the first time for me to watch American English Webinar series entitled "Social Media as a Tool of Community Engagement: Connecting Your Locally and Globally" presented by Eve Smith, I think it is an interesting media for teaching and learning process. It is very useful for students and teachers in doing communication to get a lot of information and knowledge by using social media because it gives a lot of contribution in teaching and learning process to be more interesting and attractive. Social media helps teachers stay engaged in education to prepare the students to engage in global community and it also encourages collaboration in dealing with everyday issues that teachers face in their work. It offers a great space for sharing experiences, collaborating, researching and updating one knowledge. From a cultural perspective, social media can be a vehicle for world peace and inter-cultural understanding through the promotion of cross-cultural dialogue. However, this media can be applied in our daily learning and teching process by using project based learning. I'm looking forward for the next series. Thank you very much for sharing. Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb

    Aswika Pestiana

  49. Hello.. Good morning^^
    I am Ajeng Tirana Puspita (2211414026), one of the students of Paragraph-based Writing in Mr. Rudi's class and my email address is ajengtiranap@yahoo.com. First, I would like to thank to Mr. Rudi for let us know about this wonderful blog and everything in it. I was so interested while watching and listening the first session which is Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally. It gave us many information and knowledge also that actually we can use social media for sharing lot of information without seeing time and place. We can also take and give through social media such as in facebook, twitter, instagram,etc. It's so helpful in this modern era because we can get many information easily. Then I wanna thank to Mrs. Eve as a good speaker and moderator. I am really excited for the second session. Can't wait for watching it^^
    Thank you..

  50. Good morning Mr. Rudi
    I'm Viky Andani (2211414013) one of the students of Paragraph-based Writing in Mr. Rudi's class and i'm on the 3rd semester, and my email address is vikyandani@outlook.com. This is my first time watching American English Webinar series entitled "Social Media as a Tool of Community Engagement: Connecting Your Locally and Globally" presented by Eve Smith, it was an amazing webinar, it gave us a lot of information and klnowledge about using social media as a tool of community, and also study . And this webinar also give me motivation to study more from social media, the webinar is so great. I'll be waiting for the next series :)

  51. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  52. Assalamualikum
    Hello, Mr. Rudi. I am Abdusalam Alhadi A Shweba. Libyan student of Semarang State University, Indonesia, post graduate program.
    My student number is (0203515111). Email address : Abdo.hadi93@yahoo.com
    I have watched the American English Webinar 1.1 entitled ''Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally''.
    This webinar immerses me in the world of social media and teaches me the social media platform. This presentation helps me to engage my community and to get a new perspective on the way I interact with online communities and classroom locally and globally. Eve Smith explained about the effective use of the social media, so the social media teaches and increases its users vocabulary, grammar, and the use of language.
    Thank you, Sir for sharing.
    Abdusalam, Libyan Student.

  53. Assalamualikum
    Hello, Mr. Rudi. I am Abdusalam Alhadi A Shweba. Libyan student of Semarang State University, Indonesia, post graduate program.
    My student number is (0203515111). Email address : Abdo.hadi93@yahoo.com
    I have watched the American English Webinar 1.1 entitled ''Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally''.
    This webinar immerses me in the world of social media and teaches me the social media platform. This presentation helps me to engage my community and to get a new perspective on the way I interact with online communities and classroom locally and globally. Eve Smith explained about the effective use of the social media, so the social media teaches and increases its users vocabulary, grammar, and the use of language.
    Thank you, Sir for sharing.
    Abdusalam, Libyan Student.

  54. Hello, my name is Wasis Widyo Retno, student of paragraph-based writing class. My student number is 2211414007. My email address is wasiswr8@gmail.com. This is my first time watching American English Webinar series entitled "Social Media as a Tool of Community Engagement: Connecting Your Locally and Globally.
    I think its good for us as a student to learn easily with social media. We can get more information in social media. It is also more interesting for the student than study in a class listen to the lecturer.
    Thank you

  55. Assalamualaikum Mr. Rudi, My name is Muhammad Azwar Anas Al Arifi, my student number is 2211414027, and my email addres is alarifi13.aa@gmail.com
    The video of American English Webinar 1.1 entitled ''Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally'' is very impressive and very useful for us. By watching this video we can utilize social media as a way to teach students or someone who is far away from us. So, as a media social user, we should not using social media just for updating or uploading some unimportant stuff,etc. Thank you. wassalamualaikum.

  56. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  57. Hello,,,
    My name is Fajar Noviar Hermawan, my student number is 2211414024.
    My email address is fadjarhermaone13@gmail.com, I am student of paragraph-based writing class at state university of Semarang.
    I have watched the American English Webinar 1.1 entitled ''Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally''. Its so interesting for me, because I used some of social media, such as facebook,twitter,line and instagram. After we watched the webinar, we can learn that the social media not only used for interacting with other people,but also we can learn and get more information,knowledge,education,campaign,etc.
    Thank you.

  58. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  59. Hello, guys.... I am Nur Septy Herviana (2211414008) student of Paragrap-based Writing State University of Semarang. My E-mail address: herviananursepty@gmail.com. Last week I watched American English Webinar season 1"Social Media as a Tool for Community" with Eve Smith. It is very useful for us as a student to study not only by book or discuss face to face. We can use some media sosial too. Like in Webinar last week. They mention some media sosial such as facebook, edmodo, twitter, instagram, blog, etc. It can use to discuss not only between class friend or lecturer and student but also all student in the world. We can share our ideas and it can improve our language skills. So far, we only know media sosial just a media to connect us with stranger or justto entertain us. If we use media sosial to study, I think it would be great. So, the American English Webinar that i watched its very useful and very good method to introduce us the new way to study. Thankyou :)

  60. hello.. my name is putri pramesti. my student number 2211414016. my email address is putripramesti862@gmail.com. i'm the student of paragraph based writing class. after I watch the first english webinar and the title is "social media as a tool for community engagement: connecting your classroom locally and globally". we all know that social media is like an important things in our life. every day every time we always check our social media such as twitter, facebook, instagram etc. we know that in social media we can share a lot of things. we can communicate with people around the world. after I watch this webinar we realize that social media is not just to share about intertainment things but we can also share about education things. so I think this webinar is so interesting. i can't wait to watch next english webinar with another interesting topics. thank you ^.^

  61. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  62. Hi! My name is Risa Winda Asriana, I am a student of Semarang State University and my student number is 2211414009. My e-mail address is risawindaa@gmail.com. This is my fisrt time to watch the American English Webinar 1.1 with the title "Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting your ClassLocallcally and Globally and its very interesting for me. Now days we know that social media is very important to our life. I'm sure that almost everyone in this world have social media. This seminar gave me a lot of information about social media. After I watched the seminar my knowledge about the advantage of having social media in our life is increas. Not only for entertaiment but also education, advertisment, campaign and so on.
    I cannot wait to watch the next webinar seminar.
    Thank you

  63. Hello, my name Hind Sha Putri. In my opinion about the topic “Social Media as A Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting Your Classroom Locally and Globally” is very interesting. As we know social media is very familiar for all of us. So, I think we can use social media as a tool in applying our English or language skill in English. For example, we are as teachers get our students write in their social media about positive issue surrounding us. I think it is interesting activity for students. Because, they can explore their imagination and knowledge as much as possible. Thank you

  64. Allsalam Alikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuh
    I am one of your post-graduated students. My name is Abdulghani Mohammed Emran ,my NIM is 0203515113 and my Email address lost_paradise07@yahoo.com . This is my first time watching American English webinar which entitled "Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally" it is so interesting to use social media in the process of teaching for both of teachers and students . teachers use new effective technique and student enjoy with this useful method. They gain new knowledge and information and have fun in the process of teaching . The results will reflect positively in our societies and will change the the term of social media from "fun and chat" to knowledge . I hope when I back home to Libya use this way in my future career as a teacher .
    Wait patiently for the next session
    Thank you so much

  65. Assalamualaikum wr.wb
    Good afternoon. I am Latifa Ika Sari, one of your students of Post Graduate Program Kelas Khusus 2, NIM 0203515090. My email is latifa.ika@gmail.com. I am very interested in American English webinar which entitled "Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally". Nowadays, we know that information technology has brought a lot of changes in our world. Many people are now connected to each other with internet. People can share knowledge, opinion, feelings very easily by using social media. Everyday people share their lives through facebook, twitter, Path, instagram. From that phenomena, we can see that social media has a big power in our lives. It connects us with other people, even people from other nations. As a student, it is important that we can make use of social media as good as possible. We can use it to share knowledge and information, share our study materials, etc. Certainly we can learn many things from social media.
    Thank you for sharing, Sir. I love your blog.
    Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

  66. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  67. Assalamualaikum wr.wb
    My name is Jauza Rona Hassan and my student number is 2211414044. My e-mail address is jauza.jojo@gmail.com. Im so excited to watch the American English Webinar 1.1 with the title "Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally". Its very interesting for me. I'm sure that almost everyone has social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Path, Instagram, etc. After I watched this webinar, it gave me a lot of information about social media. This webinar increas my knowledge about the advantage of having social media in our life.Not only for share with others, but also for entertainment and education.
    Thank you for sharing, Sir.
    Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

  68. assalamualaikum wr. wb
    My name is Zeni Nur Amelia and my student number is 2201414015. The American English Webinar is very interesting for me. I do excited to watch the first American English Webinar which the title is "Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement. I got a lot of information from this webinar about using media social effectively. Thanks for giving me this information. It motivates me to improve my skill and it enriches my knowledge about social media. Thank you, Sir
    Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

  69. hello! I am Endah eka Handayani. my student number is 2211414018. I do so much excited to watch the video that the tittle is "Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement. it is an amusing video. No ends of information that I can get from watching this video. Thank you!

  70. Assalamualaikum wr. wb. I am Ayu Rosalita. student of english department UNNES and my student number is 2201414003. My e-mail addres is ayurosalita96@gmail.com.
    After watching American English Webinar with the title " Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting Your Classroom Locally and Globally". i really interest about this video,because we know that the Internet nowadays is really close to our daily life. The social media nowadays we all know that it is like an important things in our daily life. whereever and whenever we always use social media for share a lot of things and with social media, we can communicate with people around the world.so that, the internet especially sosial media can make feel closer. Social media is just not share about entertainment, but education too.
    i think it so enough, thank you webinar and i'm waiting for the next video.
    Wassalamuailaikum wr wb .

  71. Hello, I'm Eka Yulianti Fajlin , one of student in undergraduate of Semarang State University. My email is fajlineka@gmail.com. I'm interseted in watching American English Webinar about 'Social Media as Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting Your Classroom Locally and Globally' presented by Eve Smith I think it is useful for us as teacher to be. By using media in learning student will more enjoy and it makes more intersting and more effective. we also apply one of the pillar conservation, it is paperless. i think webinar has many benifits. i hope i can apply it in future, wish me luck.

    Eka Yulianti Fajlin 2201413005

  72. Hello, My name is Khairani Dian Anisa. My student number is 2201413025. I am a student of undergraduate program of English Department UNNES. My email address is khairani.dianisa@gmail.com
    Actually, it was my first time joining webinar and it was such a valuable experience since I got new and beneficial knowledge. In the first section, with the topic "Media as a Tool
    for Community Engagement: Connecting
    Your Classroom Locally and Globally", I got such inspiration in teaching the students in the future.
    Nowadays, people consider internet as a basic need. Internet has some advantages, such as we can get a lot of information, keep in touch with relatives, friends or people around the world. As the evolution of internet, people start to create some social media in order to fulfill their need. As a result, most of people now have more than one social media.
    This development of social media also create an opportunity in education field. By using social media, both teacher and students can communicate more frequent. Besides, the students can communicate with students from another part of earth so that they can get new friend and information or knowledge. In my opinion, using social media in teaching is such a brilliant idea because it makes learning easier.

  73. My name is Ernie Karina, and my student's number is 2201413010, I am one of the students of undergraduate program of English Department of Unnes.
    It was the first time webinar I've ever joined, actually. And I got some valuable knowledge after I watched the video entitled: "Media as a Tool for Engagement: Connecting Your Classroom Locally and Globally". People nowadays can not be separated from technology and I think mosr of people in the whole world in any ages have more than one social madia accounts. So that we can use social media as the media for learning activities because it makes the I interaction between the teacher and the students easier, for instance, when the teacher cannot attend the class, he/she can post the material or give assignments through class group in social media. Moreover, students can ask the teacher about the material they don't understand yet whenever and wherever as the internet is accessible. We can conduct the examination or online quiz through social media as well. It can be more effective because that kind of test doesn't use paper, so it's good for environment, and it's well programmed between the question and answer there won't be mistakes when the teacher correct the students' work. Besides that, students can explore the knowledge from any literature through the social media by themselves. So, the conclusion is, social media has many benefits if it's applied in learning activities for now and the future.

  74. My name is Dyah Ayu Puspitasari. My email address is ayudyah513@gmail.com. I am a student in State University of Semarang. This is my first time watch American English Webinar. I think that theme, "Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally" is very interesting. Almost of us have social media account. However, most of us use it for fun purposes only. It is very rare to use social media as the learning tools. By using social media in the learning process. The learning process is not limited in the classroom only, but also everywhere as long as we are connected through social media. The application of social media also can improve the students skill in communication. This is very beneficial idea. Thank you Mrs. Eve for sharing your ideas with us.

  75. Hi, my name is Rudi. In my opinion this is a very interesting class with the presentation and the material given. The information is inspiring and opening my mind to a new way to do good things with the help of social media. Before I follow this American English Webinar 1.1 entitled Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally, I didn’t know that this kind of thing can be done in social media. This webinar is so helpful; I’m looking forward for the next session.
    Thank You.
    Rudi Wibowo Aji 2201413056

  76. My name is Nanda Putra Kanoko (2211414030), E-mail nandaputr@yahoo.com. Excellent seminar by American English Webinar season 1 entitled “Social Media as a Tool for Community Engagement: Connecting your Classroom Locally and Globally” with Eve Smith. Despite being literature student, this webinar give revelation about teaching activity. That teaching doesn't have to be exclusively done in classroom, but also done in cyber platform of Social Media. While this is indeed convenient, to apply this method we need several things to improve. First, teacher capability to utilize social media as teaching platform. Many teachers from older generation are not tech-savvy. They tend to use outdated method and avoid new platform like social media. Second, internet connection to ensure capability of accessing for all. Our internet connection is not that reliable and might become an obstacle. While yes, technical difficulties may come up in implementing this, I hope that this method will encourage our Government to improve educational system.
